La Embajada de Canadá en Brasil, es la máxima representación de Canadá en este país, se encuentra ubicado en la ciudad de Brasilia y se encarga de mantener las adecuadas relaciones bilaterales además de tratar temas de interés común como en el aspecto político, económico, de comercio, cultural y turístico.
Maykel Noa Nuñez
05/03/2017 at 18:17
Good afternoon,I need to know if Canadagives me politicalasylum,because I`m in Brazil,I also want to know what to do to fly to Canada since ,I have in Brazil,I`m emigrant I`m out of work,and I heard on the news that Canada is accepting emigrants,I`m 35 years old,I`m an agronomist and also a kook,I have enough knowledge of english,I only need an oportunity to work,my girlfriend is here with me,she is 26 years old and has knowledge of english,we do not have children,please we need a response,we expect and answer,thank you very much,Maykel noa
07/03/2017 at 14:11
Hi Maykel.
First, you should contact the Canadian embassy to resolve your concerns.
Phone: (+55) 61 3424 5400
Quiet 🙂